
The Announcement section allows you to display animated text anywhere in your store. It's perfect for displaying important information or promotions.


Learn how to open and configure section settings on the Introduction page.

Section Settings

Announcement settings
  • TextAdd the announcement text. Divide text using commas to display multiple slogans. Icons will be displayed in between if one is chosen.
  • LinkPaste a link or search for a destination.
  • Text size
    • SmallSet the text size to small.
    • MediumSet the text size to medium.
    • LargeSet the text size to large.
Color scheme settings
  • Color schemeChoose a color scheme for the image gallery section.
    To edit all your theme's colors, including color schemes, go to your color theme settings.
Announcement settings
  • Hide link underlineChoose whether to hide the underline for links.
  • Disable animationDisable the animation for the announcement text.
  • Show outlineEnable an outline around the announcement section.
  • IconChoose an icon to appear between repeated announcement text.
    Icon only appears if animation is enabled.