
The Collage section allows you to create a visually engaging multimedia collage with videos, images, products, collections and text blocks.


Learn how to open and configure section settings on the Introduction page.

Section Settings

Collage settings
  • HeadingEdit section heading.
  • Heading size
    • SmallSet the heading size to small.
    • LargeSet the heading size to large.
  • Heading alignment
    • LeftAlign the heading to the left.
    • CenterCenter align the heading.

Section Blocks

Section blocks can be added, removed, and rearranged within sections to provide flexibility in how content is displayed and managed.

Section blocks
  • Collage section blocks:
    • Video (2)
    • Product (unlimited)
    • Collection (unlimited)
    • Text (4)
    • Image (unlimited)
Video block settingsVideo block settings
  • Video

    Displays an external video with controls.It doesn't play automatically.
  • Cover imageUpload a cover image for the video.Cover image is visible before the video starts playing.
  • LinkPaste the video link (YouTube or Vimeo).
  • Video alt textDescribe the video for customers using screen readers.
  • Show on mobileChoose whether to show the video on mobile devices.
Product block settings
  • Product

  • ProductSelect a product to feature in the collage.
  • Show second image on hoverShow / hide the second product image when hovering.
  • Show on mobileShow / hide the product on mobile devices.
Collection block settings
  • Collection

  • CollectionSelect a collection to feature in the collage.
  • Show on mobileShow / hide the collection on mobile devices.
Text block settings
  • Text

    Add text content to the collage.
  • DescriptionProvide content for the collage text block.
  • Text alignment
    • LeftAlign the text to the left.
    • CenterCenter align the text.
  • Show on mobileShow / hide the text on mobile devices.
Image block settings
  • Image

  • ImageUpload an image to feature in the collage.
  • Show on mobileShow / hide the image on mobile devices.