Images with Text

The Images with Text section allows you to pair text and button with multiple images and autoplay videos.


Learn how to open and configure section settings on the Introduction page.

Section Settings

Images with text settings
  • Image ratio
    • Adapt to imageAdapt the image height to the image's aspect ratio.
    • SmallSet the image height to small.

Section Blocks

Section blocks can be added, removed, and rearranged within sections to provide flexibility in how content is displayed and managed.

Section blocks
  • Images with text section blocks:
    • Left Image (3)
    • Left Video (3)
    • Right Image (3)
    • Right Video (3)
    • Heading (1)
    • Text (2)
    • Button (1)
    • Custom Liquid (unlimited)
Left image block settings
  • Left Image

  • ImageSelect an image to display on the left side.
  • Show on desktopChoose whether to display the image on desktop devices.
  • Show on mobileChoose whether to display the image on mobile devices.
Right image block settings
  • Right Image

  • ImageSelect an image to display on the right side.
  • Show on desktopChoose whether to display the image on desktop devices.
  • Show on mobileChoose whether to display the image on mobile devices.
Left video block settings
  • Left Video

  • VideoSelect a video to display on the left side.
  • Show on desktopChoose whether to display the video on desktop devices.
  • Show on mobileChoose whether to display the video on mobile devices.
Right video block settings
  • Right Video

  • VideoSelect a video to display on the right side.
  • Show on desktopChoose whether to display the video on desktop devices.
  • Show on mobileChoose whether to display the video on mobile devices.
Heading block settings
  • Heading

  • HeadingEdit section heading.
Text block settings
  • Text

  • DescriptionAdd text content for this block.
Button block settings
  • Button

  • LabelEdit button label. Leave the label blank to hide the button.
  • LinkPaste a link or search for a destination.
Custom liquid block settings
  • Custom Liquid

    This block allows to add custom code.

    Proceed with caution
    Only make code changes if you are confident in your skills.
    Improper code modifications can lead to unexpected errors, broken layouts, and negatively impact your store's performance and user experience.
    If you are unsure, it's best to hire a professional.