Narrow Banner

Narrow banner effectively grabs attention and guides customer actions without dominating the page, allowing for a balanced and inviting page layout.

Narrow bannerNarrow banner with description


Learn how to open and configure section settings on the Introduction page.

Section Settings

Narrow banner settings
  • Color schemeChoose a color scheme for the narrow banner section.
    To edit all your theme's colors, including color schemes, go to your color theme settings.
  • Make section full widthExpand the section to the full width of the page.

Section Blocks

Section blocks can be added, removed, and rearranged within sections to provide flexibility in how content is displayed and managed.

Section blocks
  • Narrow banner section blocks:
    • Heading (1)
    • Text (1)
    • Button (1)
Heading block settings
  • Heading

  • HeadingEdit section heading.
  • Heading size
    • SmallSet the heading size to small.
    • LargeSet the heading size to large.
Text block settings
  • Text

  • DescriptionProvide content for the text block.
Button block settings
  • Button

  • LabelEdit button label.
  • LinkPaste a link or search for a destination.