
The Product page, displays detailed information about a specific product and may include product recommendations to encourage additional purchases. This page includes two main sections: Product Information and Product Recommendations.


Learn how to open and configure page settings on the Introduction page.

Product Information Section Settings

Product information settings
  • Product information section blocks:
    • Title (1)
    • Tags (1)
    • Price (1)
    • Variant picker (1)
    • Quantity selector (1)
    • Buy buttons (1)
    • Description (1)
    • Share (1)
    • Collapsible tab (unlimited)
    • Pop-up (1)
    • Complementary products (1)
    • Product rating (1)
    • Custom Liquid (unlimited)

Section Blocks

Section blocks can be added, removed, and rearranged within sections to provide flexibility in how content is displayed and managed.

Title block settings
  • Title

    This block displays the title of the product.
Tags block settings
  • Tags

    This block displays the tags of the product.
Price block settings
  • Price

    This block displays the price of the product.
Variant picker block settings
  • Variant picker

    This block displays the variant picker if the product has multiple variants.
Quantity selector block settings
  • Quantity selector

    This block displays the quantity selector.
Buy buttons block settings
  • Buy buttons

  • Show dynamic checkout buttonsShow / hide dynamic checkout buttons
  • Show recipient information form for gift cardsShow / hide gift card form
Description block settings
  • Description

    This block displays the description of the product.
Share block settings
  • Share

    This block displays share buttons for the product.
Collapsible tab block settings
  • Collapsible tab

  • HeadingEdit tab heading.
  • ContentAdd content for the collapsible tab.
  • Content from pageSelect a page to use its content for the collapsible tab.
  • IconChoose an icon to display in the tab heading.
Pop-up block settings
  • Pop-up

  • Link labelEdit link label
  • PageSelect a page to pull the content from.
Complementary products block settings
  • Complementary productsThis block requires setup of the Search & Discovery app.Learn more
  • HeadingEdit block heading
  • Maximum products to showSet the maximum number of complementary products to display (default is 2).
  • Product card
    • Show quick add buttonToggle to show the quick add button on the product card.
Product rating block settings
  • Product rating

    This block displays the average product rating and reviews.
Custom Liquid block settings
  • Custom Liquid

    This block allows for adding custom code.

    Proceed with caution
    Only make code changes if you are confident in your skills.
    Improper code modifications can lead to unexpected errors, broken layouts, and negatively impact your store's performance and user experience.
    If you are unsure, it's best to hire a professional.

Product Recommendations Section Settings

Product recommendations settings
  • Product recommendationsDynamic recommendations use real-time data and machine learning to personalize product suggestions based on customer behavior and interactions, continuously improving over time.
  • HeadingAdd a heading for the product recommendations section.
  • Product card
    • Image ratio
      • Adapt to imageAdapt the layout to the image's aspect ratio.
      • PortraitSet the image ratio to portrait.
      • SquareSet the image ratio to square.
    • Show second image on hoverToggle to show the second product image when hovering.
    • Show vendorToggle to show the product vendor.