
The Search page allows customers to easily find what they are looking for, enhancing their browsing experience.


Learn how to open and configure page settings on the Introduction page.

Search Results Settings

Search results settingsSearch results settings
  • Product card
    • Image ratio
      • Adapt to imageAdapt the layout to the image's aspect ratio.
      • PortraitSet the image ratio to portrait.
      • SquareSet the image ratio to square.
    • Show second image on hoverToggle to show the second product image when hovering.
    • Show vendorToggle to show the product vendor.
  • Filtering and sorting
    • Enable filteringToggle to enable filtering options for search results.
    • Customize filtersCustomize the filters available for search results.
    • Enable sortingToggle to enable sorting options for search results.
  • Blog card
    • Show dateToggle to show the publication date of blog posts.
    • Show authorToggle to show the author of blog posts.
  • Search suggestions
    • Enable suggestionsToggle to enable search suggestions as customers type.
    • Show product vendorToggle to show the product vendor in search suggestions. Visible when suggestions are enabled.
    • Show product priceToggle to show the product price in search suggestions. Visible when suggestions are enabled.